1.中山大学地理科学与规划学院 / 粤北岩溶区森林生态系统碳水耦合野外观测研究站, 广东 广州 510006
2.湖南农业大学水利与土木工程学院,湖南 长沙410000
3.长江水利委员会长江科学院,湖北 武汉430000
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LIAN Jianbin,LI Shaoheng,CHEN Jianyao,et al.The identification of the influence of heat tracing method on underground temperature in the urbanization process of Guangzhou[J].Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Sunyatseni,2024,63(04):29-36.
连健斌,李绍恒,陈建耀等.热示踪法对广州城市化地下温度影响的辨识[J].中山大学学报(自然科学版)(中英文),2024,63(04):29-36. DOI: 10.13471/j.cnki.acta.snus.ZR20230044.
LIAN Jianbin,LI Shaoheng,CHEN Jianyao,et al.The identification of the influence of heat tracing method on underground temperature in the urbanization process of Guangzhou[J].Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Sunyatseni,2024,63(04):29-36. DOI: 10.13471/j.cnki.acta.snus.ZR20230044.
浅层地温和近地表空气温度之间存在内在能量交换,随着时间推移,地表温度变化的信息会向下传播,并叠加到稳态地温场上。因此,可通过当前地温剖面,反过来重建地面温度变化的历史。为评估全球变暖和城市化对广州地下温度的综合影响,本文收集了广州站自1958—2022年的气温数据并对这段时期的气温数据进行回归分析和距平分析,获得了广州16个观测钻孔的温度-深度剖面;再利用温度-深度剖面下段进行回归分析,得到地温梯度以及偏离恒定地温梯度的深度;最后,结合气温数据得到开始增温时间和增温幅度,运用解析解方程得到广州地表增温下温度-深度剖面的理论曲线。结果显示广州气温在1958—2022年间的增温速率为0.33 ℃/10a,开始增温的时间为1987年,增温幅度为2.6 ℃。广州区域观测到的地温梯度值为0.036 ℃/m,而地温偏离恒定地温梯度的深度为54.8 m,与通过解析解计算得到的理论深度57.6 m基本一致。研究发现城市化导致的地表变暖开始时间越早,地下温度与恒定地温梯度偏离的深度越大,表明城市区域地温偏离恒定地温梯度的深度可作为描述城市化进程的一个指标。
The intrinsic energy exchange exists between the shallow ground temperature and near-surface air temperature.As time progresses, surface temperature changes are propagated downwards and superimposed onto the steady-state geothermal field.Therefore, it is possible to reconstruct the history of ground surface temperature changes using the current subsurface temperature profile. To assess the combined effect of global warming and urbanization on the subsurface temperature of Guangzhou, this paper collected temperature data from Guangzhou station during 1958-2022 and conducted regression analysis and anomaly analysis. Meanwhile, the temperature-depth (T-Z) profiles of 16 observation boreholes in Guangzhou were obtained through field measurements. By conducting regression analysis on the lower section of the temperature profile, the geothermal gradient of the area and the depth of deviation from the constant geothermal gradient were determined. Finally,the onset time and magnitude of warming were obtained by combining temperature data, and the theoretical curves of the surface warming profile in Guangzhou were derived using the analytical solution equation. The results show that the warming rate of air temperature in Guangzhou from 1958 to 2022 is 0.33 ℃ per decade, with the onset time of warming being 1987, and the magnitude of warming being 2.6 ℃.The observed geothermal gradient in Guangzhou is 0.036 ℃/m, and the depth of deviation from the constant geothermal gradient is 54.8 m, essentially consistent with the analytically calculated depth of 57.6 m. The study finds that the earlier the start time of urbanization-induced surface warming, the greater the depth of deviation of subsurface temperature from the constant geothermal gradient, indicating the depth of deviation can be used to describe the process of urbanization.
global warmingurbanizationair temperatureground temperatureGuangzhou
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